Budget deal is sealed (Russell Berman, Erik Wasson and Mike Lillis, The Hill, 12/10).
House, Senate negotiators reach budget deal (Lori Montgomery, The Washington Post, 12/10).DEFICITS AND DEBT
Five Good Ideas for a Budget Deal (FixGov blog / Brookings Institution, RealClearPolicy, 12/09).ECONOMIC REPORTS
Is This Time Different? The Slowdown in Healthcare Spending (Amitabh Chandra, Jonathan Holmes and Jonathan Skinner, The National Bureau of Economic Research, 12/11).
Why has the US recovery been so slow? This chart suggests it’s not because of Obamanomics (James Pethokoukis, AEIdeas, 12/11).
Bailing out General Motors cost the US government $11 billion and it was worth every penny (Tim Fernholz, Quartz, 12/10).
Why the Rent Feels Too Damn High—in 1 Graph (Jordan Weissmann, The Atlantic, 12/09).
More Americans are stuck in housing purgatory (Nin-Hai Tseng, CNN Money, 12/10).
Why Is Everybody Sitting on Huge Piles of Cash? (Barry Ritholtz, Bloomberg, 12/10).ECONOMICS 101
Health Care's Third-Party Spending Trap: Contrary to "conventional wisdom," health insurance—private or otherwise—does not make health care more affordable (Jeffrey A. Singer,, 12/10).THE NATURE OF POLITICS
Why Machiavelli Still Matters (John T. Scott and Robert Zaretsky, The New York Times, 12/09).REVENUE-SIDE REFORM
Paying for “Tax Extenders” Would Shrink Projected Increase in Debt Ratio by One-Third (Chuck Marr and Nathaniel Frentz, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 12/09).
Expiring State and Local Tax Deduction: State Impact (Jeremy Ratner, The Pew Charitable Trusts, 12/09*).
ATR Supports Permanent End to Annual Medicare Doctor Bailout (Ryan Ellis, Americans for Tax Reform, 12/09).SPENDING-SIDE REFORM
Rep. Tim Griffin — Standing Athwart ‘Pacman’ Yelling ‘Stop’ (Andrew Stiles, Doublethink Online, 12/09).MIXED-SIDE AND REGULATORY REFORM
Republicans Are Right: Obamacare Is Redistribution (Jonathan Cohn, New Republic, 12/09).
Mandating higher minimum wage will hurt employees and economy (Steve Caldeira, The Hill, 12/09).
The Minimum Wage Ain’t What It Used to Be (David Neumark, Economix / The New York Times, 12/09).
Raise the Federal Minimum Wage (But Not Too Far) (Richard Posner, The Becker-Posner Blog, 12/08).
How to Really Rein in the Banks (Hester Peirce, US News & World Report, 12/09).
If We're Lucky Volcker Rule Will Make Banks Less Transparent (Matt Levine, Bloomberg, 12/09).
Will the Volcker Rule crush Goldman Sachs? (Stephen Gandel, CNN Money, 12/09).
Volcker Rule Is a Puzzle That Will Take Years to Understand (Rana Foroohar, Time / Business & Money, 12/10).GROWTH AND JOBS
Obama can't solve the jobs problem (Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today, 12/09).
How to Keep Workers Unemployed (The Wall Street Journal, 12/11).
The Real Jobless Rate (Gene Epstein, Barron's, 12/07).
Sorry Henry Blodget, The Rich DO Create Nearly Every Job (John Tamny, RealClearMarkets, 12/10).
Unemployment: Who’s the Real Scrooge? (Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary, 12/10).
Rand Paul Gets the Scrooge Award (Ruth Marcus, RealClearPolitics, 12/11).
Krugman's Unemployment Answer Stares Him In the Face (Diana Furchtgott-Roth, RealClearMarkets, 12/10).MOBILITY AND EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY
Inequality: Obama picks the wrong war (Rich Lowry, The New York Post, 12/09).GOVERNMENT FINANCE AND FINANCIAL POLICY
‘Seven percent solution’ backs Bernanke into a corner (John Crudele, The New York Post, 12/09).
Get ready, here it comes: A December taper (Steve Liesman, CNBC, 12/10).PUBLIC PENSIONS -- ILLINOIS
Robbing Illinois's Public Employees (David Dayen, The American Prospect, 12/09).GLOBAL ECONOMY -- CHINA
Think American Debt Is Bad? Try China (Benjamin Carlson, RealClearWorld, 12/10).GLOBAL ECONOMY -- BRITAIN
Let's admit it: Britain is now a developing country (Aditya Chakrabortty, The Guardian, 12/09).
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